Monday, January 16, 2012

a new year!

Happy New Year! I've always loved this marking of time where we all agree that we can start anew. Isn't it so promising to begin again? All the promise held as growth keeps still in low light and cold temperatures- there are so many possibilities of what can come.  It is nice to have a winter. 

salad greens under a cloche

I wanted to share an article that was written about Blue House Greenhouse Farm in Catlin Speak- the school paper for Catlin Gable school! Two high school students who had come by the farm on a class field trip were interested in learning more about the farm. Thanks Layla and Anaka! It is a good article (name misspelling aside)!

garlic, beginning to make its way out of the ground

In another bit of news, it looks like the rumors were true that New Seasons has bought the lot across Cook St. from the farm- where the old wonder bread factory used to be. Here's an article from the Mercury. I don't know what it will mean for Blue House Greenhouse Farm after 2012- but I do know that I will be farming there this year! I will keep you all updated, for sure.

Happy winter and check back often to find out what new exciting things are happening at the farm and  when the Farm Stand is reopening this spring!