Monday, August 29, 2011

SALE at blue house greenhouse farm stand!!

Come to the FARM STAND tomorrow-Tuesday from 4-7pm- for HOT deals on veggies!!  Pink beauty radishes will be sold for just $1 a bunch- that's 50% off the regular price!  Why such savings, you ask? Because they are growing so fast it's hard to keep up with them!

What other great deals will await you when you arrive?  $1-1.50/lb for delicious grey zucchini., $1.50/lb for cured purplette onions, and more!  There will also be salad greens, kale, swiss chard, parsley, garlic, beans, and, of course, tomatoes!

Come by and let others know- farm stand 4-7 Tuesday.

Monday, August 22, 2011

tomatoes for sale! farm stand tuesday!

Come to the farm stand this Tuesday 4-7pm!  Not only will you find delicious vegetables, but Jeff and Kevin will be taking over the stand for the week and revolutionizing it!  I'm actually not exactly sure what that means, but I am sure that it will be fun and they will still be selling veggies- such as tomatoes! fir tree, jaune flamme and more! There will also be a variety greens, beans, garlic, and squash. Please come by and check out the stand.

Where am I? I am away visiting family for a bit.  It definitely feels weird to be away from the farm, but also it feels nice to relax and  play games :) On the right is the view from the window.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

more changes! FARM STAND TUESDAY!

Kirsten, shopper of the week!
 Blue House Greenhouse Farm likes to keep its customers and supporters on it's toes...  We are reopening the farm stand TUESDAYS 4-7pm right on the farm- on the SW corner of N Williams and N Cook- beginning this Tuesday!  We will no longer be at the Boise Eliot Village Square on Fridays- it wasn't really working out for us.  I apologize for all the changes and thank you for your support!

What you'll see at the Farm Stand on Tuesday:

garlic!  chesnok red and kettle river giant
snap beans- dragon tongue, maxibel, and royalty purple
rainbow chard
kale- red russian and lacianto
carrots- amarillo, atomic red and kaleidoscope
salad greens
radishes- pink beauty
onions- fresh copra and borettana

Hope to see you Tuesday and please spread the word!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Friday Market Coupon!

That's right folks!  If you come to the market tomorrow (Friday 8/5) and you mention that you saw this post you get 10% off your entire purchase at the Blue House Greenhouse Farm stand! The market is located on the southeast corner of N Williams and Fremont- it doesn't look like much is going on- but that's not the point!  The point is to support your local urban farm. please.  pretty please. We will be there from 2-6:30 pm or so.

Shopper of the week: Peggy!
 Peggy is a regular  at the blue house
greenhouse farm stand. Thank you!

What you'll see when you stop by:

sugar snap peas
amarillo, atomic red, and kaleidoscope carrots
pink beauty radishes
red russian  and lacinato kale
rainbow chard
champion collard greens
purplette and borettana cipollini onions
herbs- parsley, dill, and cilantro
and more!

It's August and summer is here!

 That's right!  There are tomatoes ripening, peppers growing, and beans on the vine! summer is here. I am learning lessons of the seasons in the Pacific Northwest. Because we have spring weather lasting through June, our summers begin much later and continue later.  Or at least that's the idea.

silver fir tree tomato
persimmon tomato
Besides watching fruit grow and ripen, we've been busy.  We've continued to plant lettuce and radishes, two crops that grow quickly and go quickly either by harvesting or bolting, so need to be planted regularly. We are preparing beds for fall and overwintering crops such as beets, carrots, and brassicas.

We've been harvesting for restaurants and the market. And we've been weeding. I had someone offer to mow the clover strip in the middle of the field yesterday.  Which was a really generous offer, but he couldn't see that that is where the beets are planted. Because no one can see the beets- but they are there!

dragon tongue bush beans

We've been trying to stay ahead of the weeds, but I think it may be an almost impossible task. Especially the bindweed. Oh, bindweed. Those of you familiar with bindweed know the futility of weeding this  plant.  The roots of bindweed can extend to depths of 25 to 30 feet, it can grow a new plant from the littlest bit of root left in the soil, and the plant breaks very easily and grows so fast and binds to everything.. and.. and... okay.  I'll stop. I won't let the weeds get me down.  Let's get back to summer.  How can I be down with ripe tomatoes like these!  I invite you to stop by and check out the farm!