Thursday, July 21, 2011

new market this Friday!

Blue House Greenhouse Farm will be at the Boise Eliot Village Square beginning this Friday! The Village Square is open Friday-Sunday for the rest of the summer (Blue House Greenhouse will just be there on Fridays). The market is on the SE corner of N Williams and Fremont and from 2-8 pm. We should be there until 6:30 or so.  Please stop by and see us! We will have salad greens, chard, collards, carrots, broccoli, onions, and more!

Mollie, a happy customer
See for yourself how our veggies  make people happy!

In other news- the garlic harvest! Yesterday I dug up two of the three varieties of garlic- Kettle River Giant (which is true to its name) and Chesnok Red. See below for pictures and details. 

digging up some of the 800 or so heads of garlic

Because there isn't a cool dry place to cure the garlic at the farm,
I stuffed our little car full of garlic and brought it all home! Here I am
(with Seymour the cat) prepping the garlic to be hung to cure.

Jeff with one of many bamboo poles to be hung in our covered porch.
 After two weeks , we will cut the stalks and further clean the garlic
and then it will be ready for sale! Get ready!


  1. oh man. put me down for one ton of garlic!

  2. Can I buy some garlic and have you send it to me? Or maybe bring it in your carry-on in August??

    Maybe as my Christmas present??

  3. you are the cutest things in the world--you, jeff, the garlic, and seymour. :)
