Saturday, June 22, 2013

Happy Summer!

It's here! Summer, with all it's bright beautiful sunshine. It actually feels like it's been here for a while. Since my time here (this is my fourth spring) it's been pretty cold and rainy through June. But not this year- it's been a beautiful spring! I am getting differing accounts whether or not this is abnormal. I hear that it's been the past three springs that have been abnormal. Well lucky me.

Devin, trellising cucumbers in the greenhouse
There is so much happening at the farm these days! All of our summer crops are in the ground and being trellised, they are on their way to flowers and fruit.  We've put in nine different varieties of tomatoes- San Marzano, Striped Roman, Persimmon, Stupice, Isis, Sungold, Jaunne Flamme, Black Cherry, and I am pretty sure there is one more that I'm forgetting. Also the peppers, squash, basil, beans, and cucumbers are doing great! We are growing some cucumbers in the greenhouse this year- to utilize the space and the warmth. I'll let you know how it turns out.

the bike tour! 
What else? The farm stand is doing great. If you haven't stopped by in a while- come on by! 4-7pm every Tuesday. We've been snacking on sugar snap peas for weeks now! We are also planning another work party in July- a garlic harvest! Stay tuned for dates and details.

Lastly, I wanted to share what a HUGE success the Urban Farm Bike Tour was! Holy moly! 140 people attended- it was amazing. Thanks to Grow Portland for sponsoring such an awesome event!